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Caravan or Motorhome? Which is Best for a UK Road Trip?

Caravan park

It is a long-running debate that comes up again and again, which is better – a caravan or a motorhome? Many consider it to be something of a pointless argument. However, if you are in the market for choosing one, the question of which is best is incredibly important. Both give you the freedom to roam our fair land, but both have their pros and cons too. How do you choose? Well, the interesting thing is that it is not just about what you prefer, it is more about what you actually need.

You need to ask yourself several questions to help you figure out which is best. The questions are as follows.

What Kind Of Travelling Would You Like To Do?
Are you more interested in exploring a variety of places in a short space of time? If yes, you would be better suited to a motorhome. Whereas, if you are interested in stopping and taking a few days or longer to explore an area, a caravan will probably be better.

Where Can You Stay?
You need to stop somewhere, even if it’s just for the night. However, the type of vehicle can have a bearing on where you can stop and stay. For instance, it is incredibly easy to set up a motorhome. Simply park and that’s it. The problem is finding a site that is able to accommodate a vehicle the size and weight of a motorhome.

While a caravan takes a little longer to set up, you will find a greater number of sites accept caravans than motorhomes. Also, once you are set up you can come and go when you want to.

When Do You Want To Travel?
A motorhome is a great choice if you are looking to travel at various times throughout the year and don’t intend on returning to places. However, a caravan might be the best choice if you are looking to find a pitch that you want to use regularly or want to rent. You can then go the first time and then pitch up and all you need to do is take along with you each year the supplies you need.

How Long Do You Want To Travel For?
Do you want to travel for several months each time you go away? If yes, then a motorhome is going to be your best option. As well as benefiting from the high cab and great views of the countryside and scenery you travel through, the fact that it doesn’t take very long to set, means it will be hassle-free when you have to stop at night. However, be careful because the size can make it dangerous when you have to go off-road.

What Is Your Available Budget?
Although the price shouldn’t be the only factor, it is still an important one. Considering that a brand new motorhome is a very expensive investment and that even a used motorhome costs around the same price as a new caravan; you need to think carefully about how you want to spend your touring life and in what vehicle. As well as the upfront cost, you need to take into consideration the running costs. Caravans are the clear favorite in both regards if you have a modest budget.