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Visiting Las Vegas On A Budget Is Doable

Las Vegas

Las Vegas is the place that everyone, and we mean everyone, dreams of going to at one point or another. It’s the city that has to be seen to be believed, the place that quite literally, never sleeps. Vegas is one of a kind, making it somewhere that should be on every traveller’s bucket list. The reason that so many of us spend our lives dreaming of Las Vegas instead of seeing it for ourselves is often down to money. Sadly, Las Vegas is one of the most expensive places to visit in the US, maybe even the world.

The good news is that while it can be costly to visit Vegas, it doesn’t have to be. If you’re smart about how you plan your trip, when you go, and where you stay, you can make it much more affordable. To make Las Vegas affordable on a small budget, here’s what you need to do:

Visit out of season

Unlike most places, it’s slow season tends to be from the end of June to the start of September, as well as during December. Most travel destinations peak during these times, but not Vegas. It might be hot during the summer months, but don’t let that put you off. You’ll save yourself a ton of money, and you can always cool off in the pool. Plan your trip for one of the out of season months, and you’ll find that everything, from the accommodation to the food, is cheaper.

Fly local

Many people say that the cheapest way to get to Las Vegas is by road trip, but actually, some airlines can be incredibly budget-friendly. As a rule of thumb, the local airlines tend to offer much better deals than the bigger ones. So before you look at mainstream airlines, make sure to check out the deals on offer from smaller ones.

If flying is out of your price range and you’d rather not drive, you could always take a bus. Okay, it may not be the most comfortable way to travel but if it’s cheap and will get your from A to B, what’s the problem? While a plane ticket can cost anything from $20 to $300, a bus ticket can be much cheaper, depending on where you’re traveling from.

Be smart about hotel booking

Often, the most expensive part of visiting Las Vegas is the cost of the hotel. You can expect to pay over $150 a night in some places – that’s a lot of money. However, if you’re smart about the hotel you pick and where you book from, you can save yourself a lot.

Look for discount sites that offer four and five-star hotels for low prices. If you’re savvy about where you book from, the amount that you can save is incredible. No matter what site you’re using to book from, always make sure to compare prices before you book. You never know, another discount site could be offering the same deal for a lower price, so it’s always worth looking around. Once you’ve used a comparison site, booking direct can then often be cheaper.

Use public transport to get around

In Vegas, everything is expensive, including the cabs. To make your trip cheaper and more affordable, walk or use public transport to get around. It might not be as glamorous as taking a taxi, but when you save yourself hundreds, you’ll see how worthwhile making this small sacrifice can be.

Drink for free

Oh yes, in Vegas you can easily drink for free. You see, most casinos offer free drinks to their gamblers, so while you’re gambling you won’t need to pay for any of your drinks. Whether you’re playing the slot machines or gambling for big money, you’re entitled to as many free drinks as you’d like. Just make sure to tip well, else you may insult your waitress.

Las Vegas might seem like an expensive holiday destination, but it doesn’t have to be. Take the advice above on board, and you can explore Vegas without breaking the bank.